Can you take the PTCB Exam with a Misdemeanor?
by J
If you have a misdemeanor on your record, but its 4 years old and you got it sealed can you still take the PTCB exam? Reply (Keith): It depends on what the charges were. The bottom line is whether or not it involved "Drugs". If a candidate were to have a misdemeanor for public intoxication or minor in possession (of liquor), for example, that's fine. On the other hand, if you were cited for peddling Oxy's at your high school, or the police found weed in your car, etc., those would probably disqualify you at only 4 years ago.
Either way, if you are concerned that yours might be drug related call the PTCB and they can help you to figure it out.
For older convictions, they will also review you on a case-by-case basis and decide if they can waive it.