Considering an online school

by Jill
(Online, USA)

Hello. I am looking into school for this profession. I am interested in finding an online program. Can I have some feedback please? Anyone? Thanks. :)

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Considering an online school

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Mar 22, 2011
Consider carefully
by: Anonymous

First, before you spend any money on a course...go to your local library and check out all the pharmacy tech books you can find. Read up and study and then see if you think you'll enjoy it. Also, after you get the feel for it..then you'll know if you really need a classroom or online course. Because technically you don't need to pay anyone. You can teach yourself all that's on the test (PTCB) then after your certified you can go apply at some local pharmacies and ask them to let you train under your state permit for your hours. That way your learning and getting paid...not paying someone to teach you something you can teach yourself.

Mar 22, 2011
by: jill

Thanks for the feedback! I just wonder if I would be disciplined enough to teach myself?

I will do as you suggested and go to the library and look up what you said. Someone else told me that they took an online course, and it wasn't accredited, so they weren't allowed to complete the clinical portion of the program. If I were self taught, then, how would I be allowed to complete the clinical part, or how do you get a state permit? What state are you in? Does every state operate the same? I am in Ohio.

Mar 22, 2011
I need advice
by: Anonymous

I studied for 1 year in Puerto Rico, I don't complete the course because I move to Miami. I learning by my self The laws, math.
But, I worries for clinical portion practice I have to do some clinical first? how I can fiend clinical position if I leaned by my self?

Mar 22, 2011
Is it accredited?
by: Anonymous

I took an online course and if it's not an accredited school, no place will allow you to do your hours. Good luck.

Mar 22, 2011
Kinda expensive
by: Anonymous

I don't know about all the states but here in Louisiana, I think they charge too much for those courses when you can go to the library free of charge and check out all the books you need to study for the PTCB. There are so many avenues online to help that are free. Once your ready. Take the PTCB then go start putting applications in at pharmacies explaining that you will need your permit to get your hours but that your PTCB is already there. People don't realized you don't have to have any kind of experience in a pharmacy to take the PTCB. Why pay a school to teach you something you can learn free. Some pharmacies will pay a lower wage while your training but that is the case for when your in a "program" too. Just my opinion and my experience.

Mar 22, 2011
rip off
by: Anonymous

don't take a online course, waste of money! buy a book and teach yourself, that's what i did

Mar 22, 2011
This site is good
by: Anonymous

I learned more from this website and facebook page than anywhere else.

Apr 02, 2011
Yes, self study can help
by: RON

Self study is what most people recommend.
The two most important areas you should master and are drugs and all of the math aspects. If you are good in any one of them then you are good to go.

Otherwise, use this medium to teach yourself. (Especially math)

I always say math is the easiest because it's not too broad, and you are always sure when you are right or wrong.

I am math inclined and make sure all math questions are answered correctly.

Apr 12, 2011
Every state dictate their own laws
by: Anonymous

Hi There,

About the Pharmacy Tech courses. Every state has their own regulations. For instance, the state of Florida does not allow online Pharmacy tech courses. Only certain States offer an online courses. UF has a Pharm Tech program which is very affordable. I just got my Certificate.

May 11, 2011
self study
by: Eo

self study is the best.... this web site helped me a lot,,, take all the practice exams and it will help you.... i just took my exam last April 29th and i passed.... it was hard but i made it...

Sep 29, 2011
Pharmacy Technician Internship Hours
by: Anonymous

Can someone please explain what happens after you receive your ptcb? do you have clinical hours you have to get before you can just go get a job? if so how many hours and how do you go about getting them if you are self taught and passed the PTCB? I live in Ohio

Mar 05, 2012
Online Classes + Pharmacy Tech Internship
by: Anonymous

Florida does offer online courses now. I'm currently taking the pharm tech class through University of Florida College of Pharmacy completely online and when I finish my class they will arrange for my 80 hours of internship at a local pharmacy.

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