Keeping a Syringe Sterile
by Kateryna
What two parts of syringe can be never touched?
I have two different answers from two different books.
Thank you.
Reply (by Keith)
Assuming you are not asking about a clean-room or surgical environment, where the entire syringe, needle and everything must be kept sterile. This is what I would say:
1. The Needle must never touch anything which isn't sterile, especially your fingers or hand.
2. The barrel tip of the syringe should also not touch anything except the needle's hub end. (this could contaminate the entire interior of the barrel)
3. The rubber plunger should not be touched.
4. The area of the plunger that extends into the barrel should also be avoided.
So, that leaves just the outer barrel, the finger flange, and the thumb tip of the plunger.