Pharmacy Tech Math
The four main components in Pharmacy Math are: Weight, Volume, Temperature and Time.
To prepare for the PTCB or ExCPT exam, it's recommended to know math enough to work out complex word problems and some algebra. Additionally, conversions are referred to in nearly all pharmacy tech math calculations.
The links below are not in any order, don't open in new windows and are not to outside sites.
Math Pages - Table of Contents
Proportions Math
Ratios vs. Proportion
Measurements and Conversions in Pharmacy math
Temperature Conversions - Fahrenheit and Celsius
Ballparking C to F Conversions
Roman Numerals used in Pharmacy abbreviations
Fractions in Pharmacy tech math
Dosage Calculations for Children and Adults
Dilution Math for Pharmacy Tech's
- Dilution Math step-by-step example
Intravenous (IV) dosage Calculations
- IV Flow Rate Calculation Example
IV Infusion Device Calculations
Concentration Percentages - V/V%, W/W%, W/V%
Alligations in Pharmacy Tech Math - tic-tac-toe
- Alligation step-by-step example
- Alligation step-by-step example #2
- Alligation step-by-step example #3
Solution Mixture Math (Algebra)
- Solution Mixture Example
Percentage and Business Math
Pharmacokinetics (Half-Life) Basics
Body Surface Area (BSA)
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The most often asked question about pharmacy technician math is how to know which type of math to do for each problem. There really is no straight answer. In fact, many problems can be solved using more than one technique. Additionally, many pharmacy tech math problems require a few different types of math all within the same problem. The only way to get to a point where you feel more comfortable with math is through repetition. If you need help getting started on a math problem, take a look around the pharmacy tech math question forum.
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