question about math ( IV calculation )

by Heather
(Long Beach, CA)

What is the flow rate to be used to infuse 1200 ml of dextrose 5% in water over 4 hours if the set delivers 15 drops per ml?

reply (by Keith): Heather, I believe you are asking about drops(gtt) per Min.? Here is the breakdown I come up with:

The patient is prescribed:

1200ml of mixture over 4 hours.

1200ml ÷ 4 Hrs = 300ml/Hr

determine how much per Minute.

300ml/Hr ÷ 60(min/Hr) = 5ml/min

We arrived at 5ml/min

The Infusion set device delivers 15 gtt/ml,

Now, Simply take the amount of ml/min
and Divide it by the gtt/ml.

5ml/min x 15gtt/ml = 75gtt/min

Go to the IV CALCULATIONS page for more examples.

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question about math ( IV calculation )

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Jan 05, 2011
Different way of doing this
by: Anonymous

I would have multiply 4hrs x 60min. The reason being is because we know for every hour is 60min, Then your answer would be 240.Then divide 240 / 1200ml = 5 x your 15gtt(drops) =75gtt/min same amount of steps but an easier way to me. Hopefully this helps you also.

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