The wholesale cost of #30 drug 'E' is $47.66. Your pharmacy charges a 12% mark-up and a flat $6.50 dispensing fee. How much will the patient be charged for this prescription?
47.66 + 12% = 53.38 53.38 + 6.5 = 59.88 should be the answer
Nov 11, 2011
I'm Confused! by: Anonymous
every time I do this formula I get the answer 63.69 What am I doing wrong?
47.66 x.12 = 57.19 + 6.50 = 63.69
Nov 03, 2011
Math Formula by: anne vergara
47.66 x 0.12 -------
(your answer) + 47.66 + 6.50 -------
Oct 28, 2011
Simpliest calculation by: Nann
With you calculator you simply enter
47.66 x 12% + 6.50 = 59.88
cost plus markup plus dispensing fee.
Oct 28, 2011
Answer by: Anonymous
With your calculator you SIMPLY...
47.66 x 12% + 6.50 = 59.88
Oct 10, 2011
Another way to figure markups by: Jenny
You can also figure the 12% markup this way:
Wholesale cost of $47.66 x 1.12 (112%) = $53.38
Then add the distribution/professional fee of $6.50 to get $59.88.
You're trying to find 112% of the wholesale cost. By using 100% of the original cost (the wholesale price) and adding in the 12% markup, you create a multiplier of 1.12 after converting to a decimal.
This simplifies the problem and eliminates a math step. Less room for errors!
Sep 09, 2011
Retail Price by: J
40% markup and 1.75 dispensing fee whosale price for 10 sildenafil is 120.00 whats the retail price
$120.00 x 40%= $48 $120.00 x $48= $168.00 $168.00 x $1.75 = $169.75
I hope this helps you.
Sep 09, 2011
martha by: Anonymous
40% markup and 1.75 dispensing fee whosale price for 10 sildenafil is 120.00 whats the retail price
Sep 02, 2011
The $5.72.... by: T
$5.72 is 12% of $47.66
12% Markup of 47.66 -> (47.66)x(.12)= 5.7192
Round that number up to 5.72
The retail price is 12% of 47.66 (the wholesale price), which is $5.72
47.66+5.72 = $53.38
On top of that there is a $6.50 dispensing fee for all orders.
53.38+6.50 = $59.88 (The final Retail Price)
Aug 31, 2011
wholesale by: Anonymous
hi! how do u get the $5.72? thank u so much!
Aug 25, 2011
Answer by: Anonymous
The wholesale cost of #30 drug 'E' is $47.66. Your pharmacy charges a 12% mark-up and a flat $6.50 dispensing fee. How much will the patient be charged for this prescription?
$47.66 x 12% = $5.72
$47.66 + $5.72 = $53.38
$53.38 + $6.50 = $59.88
Aug 24, 2011
wholesale by: Anonymous
can someone please help me answer this question? It will be greatly appreciated.